Different types of Toilets

It is difficult to imagine a bathroom without a toilet and it is impossible to have one without it. Over the years, many different types of toilets have been designed in different parts of the world. For example, squat toilets are quite popular in South East Asian countries, they are hardly found in America where the commode is the most commonly used type. Some of the different types of toilets found in different parts of the world are:


1.     Squat Toilets: These toilets are quite popular in South East Asian countries like India, China, and Thailand etc. These toilets are also found in some places in countries like France, Greece, Italy, Iran etc. The squat Toilet consists of a hole dug in the Earth, which in turn, opens into the sewage or the drainage pipe. The outer portion has a seat, on which a person has to sit in the squat position. Hence, the name squat toilet. The arrangement consists of a seat, a tap for water supply and a flush. Squat toilets are cheaper and easier to clean and also make shitting quicker and easier.

2.     Flush Toilets: The Flush Toilets or Commode is the kind of toilet which uses water to flush out the waste material and the excreta. These toilets are generally not provided with a tap but an inbuilt fitting for expelling water. The commodes were common in first world nations like America, Britain, France, Italy etc. However, they are becoming increasingly popular over the world.

3.     Urinal: A Urinal is a men’s toilet found in men’s washrooms. These toilets are found attached to the wall. A urinal can flush the toilet out by either man handled flushing methods or automated flush. There are other arrangements available too.

4.     Incinerating Toilet: The incinerating toilet does not use water to flush out the waste material. Instead, it burns and decomposes the waste material. These toilets are hard to find and are generally installed in places where it is impossible or at least quite difficult to set up any other kind of toilet.